Bar Cod out of the deep! Australia

Here’s Ben from Australia. A good sized Bar Cod out of 250m deep! Only great preparation and application can treat you with this prize. Excellent job!

Ben’s tackle
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Rod[/highlight1] Synit Bay Action SPXH Spiral O/H
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Reel[/highlight1] JM powerspell high gear PE4
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Line[/highlight1] PE3 Swage
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Leader[/highlight1] 80lb jinkai
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Jigs[/highlight1] Seafloor Control Gawky 340g

[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Location[/highlight1] 250m deep, Australia

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Hi Totos!

Been a while since I have had the opportunity to get slow pitch going again. Daz and I headed out wide this week, and hit some of our favourite grounds. In the past, I have used the slow jerker 603#6, and I found at those great depths that I was wishing I had some more leverage with the rod to pull these fish to the surface. It can be exhausting! So I have given a new rod a chance. I think it’s a New Zealand brand. I bought it through a local specialist jigging supplier here in Australia.

The spiral wrap rod seems to work a treat. And the rod itself has a longer butt section than the slow jerker, which feels more comfortable on the long retrieve for a bloke with long arms (in my younger years I was likened to a spider monkey). It also seems to have a locking point on the curve to help the lift, especially compared to the slow jerker which seems to just keep in bending.

For these deep depths, it was a great combination.

So happy. Thanks again to you, Daz, Dan, and the rest of the JAS world for all the discussions and info!





You are right Ben. Slow Jerker is not always the answer. At 250m, 603-6 can be too soft. It depends on the current, and it depends on your line too. 0.5 difference in PE size is substantial at 250m. The deep jigging is all about fine tuning.
You had the heavier rod with a heavier line. 340g is not so much heavy a jig to use in 250m. And you got the answer with this combination!

Keep exploring and being creative and flexible!

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