It’s a Gawky kind of day…

It’s Ben from Australia.
Way to go Ben!!! Seafloor Control Gawky does it again.
300m deep on the continental shelf? Wow, that is not an easy game. And with such a small boat too. Great job Ben!!!

Ben’s tackle
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Rod[/highlight1] Evergreen Poseidon Slow Jerker 603-6
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Reel[/highlight1] JM powerspell pe4hg
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Line[/highlight1] Swage PE3
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Leader[/highlight1] 40lb Jinkai
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Jigs[/highlight1] Seafloor Control Gawky 260g Glow

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Hi Totos,

Send me more gawky! haha!!

Thanks to your help Totos, I have been enjoying some memorable fishing moments lately. We had a brief break in the weather here and headed out wide again.

Fished about 300 m of water, and it was on! Gawky was the star of the day with numerous kingfish up to 10 or 12 kilos, nannagai and flametail snapper = sore arms! Check out the photo of slow jig Vs speed jig and look who’s smiling… again.




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