It’s Ben from Australia.
Way to go Ben!!! Seafloor Control Gawky does it again.
300m deep on the continental shelf? Wow, that is not an easy game. And with such a small boat too. Great job Ben!!!

Ben’s tackle
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Rod[/highlight1] Evergreen Poseidon Slow Jerker 603-6
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Reel[/highlight1] JM powerspell pe4hg
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Line[/highlight1] Swage PE3
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Leader[/highlight1] 40lb Jinkai
[highlight1 variation=”orange”]Jigs[/highlight1] Seafloor Control Gawky 260g Glow

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Hi Totos,

Send me more gawky! haha!!

Thanks to your help Totos, I have been enjoying some memorable fishing moments lately. We had a brief break in the weather here and headed out wide again.

Fished about 300 m of water, and it was on! Gawky was the star of the day with numerous kingfish up to 10 or 12 kilos, nannagai and flametail snapper = sore arms! Check out the photo of slow jig Vs speed jig and look who’s smiling… again.




