Lethrinus olivaceus
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Lethrinus olivaceus English: Longface Emperor Japanese: Kitsune Fuefuki…
Variola louti
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Variola louti English: Yellow-edged lyretail, Coral cod Japanese:…
John Dory The Fish
There’s a fish I can’t take my mind off of for some reason right now.
I caught this fish a couple months ago. I happened to be having a good day that day and I had a handful of catches. And there was this one ugly fish that I’ve never met before and had little idea of what it was, so I gave it to a fellow angler who was not having such a good day. Then I came home, did some research on the fish, and regreted that I gave it away.
This fish captured my imagination ever since.
His name is John Dory.
He goes by another name, St. Pierre.
Gymnocranius grandoculis
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Gymnocranius grandoculis English: Blue-lined Large-eye Bream Japanese: Sazanami…
Pristipomoides filamentosus
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Pristipomoides filamentosus English: Crimson Jobfish Japanese: Oh Hime…
Coryphaena hippurus
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Coryphaena hippurus English: Dolphin Fish or Mahi Mahi…
Seriola rivoliana
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Seriola rivoliana English: Highfin Amberjack, Almaco Jack Japanese:…
Epinephelus cometae
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Epinephelus cometae English: Japanese: Hoseki-Hata [fancy_header3]Deliciousness[/fancy_header3] [fancy_header3]Cooking[/fancy_header3] sashimi,…
Carangoides orthogrammus
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Carangoides orthogrammus English: Island Trevally, Island Jack, Thicklip…
Plectropomus leopardus
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Plectropomus leopardus English: Coral Trout, Leopard Coral Grouper…
Euthynnus affinis
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Euthynnus affinis English: Mackerel Tuna Japanese: Suma-Katsuo [fancy_header3]Deliciousness[/fancy_header3]…
Cephalopholis sonnerati
[fancy_header3]Name[/fancy_header3] Binomial: Cephalopholis sonnerati English: Tomato Rockcod, Red Coral Cod,…
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