Red Hot Slow Pitch in Cyprus
Here’s 56kg with Erkan in Cyprus.
Unfortunately it seems that this was not a slow pitch catch, but inchiku.
[fancy_list style=”bullet_list” variation=”yellow”]
- PE2.5
- Leader. 0.40 FC
- Depth. 120m
That’s all we know.
Bringing home a 56kg AJ with PE2.5 would takes a lot of skills.
And Leader 0.40…? If he means 0.40mm, that’s #6, 24lb. WOW, that is light. I can’t imagine what the fight was like…
[fancy_list style=”bullet_list” variation=”yellow”]
- Rod. Evergreen Slow Jerker 603-4
- Reel. Ocea Jigger 2001NR-HG
- Line. Shimano Braid PE2.5
- Jig. Cranky 170g
- Depth. 80m
He just bought Slow Jerkers in July, and already rocking the place! What an angler!
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Dear Totos,
I would like to buy evergreen 603-4 or 603-5 but ı can not decide to correct one for me. I am fishing without captain and anchor and my lures min. 200gr. And also fishing depth min 80m.
Could you please inform me which Rod is correct for me.
Thanks a Lot for your all kind help and interest.
Best regards from North Cyprus
Murat Emre
Hi Murat.
Any rod models will do, regardless of the depth and the jig weight. They just perform different action tones. That’s why we use several different models for different tactics.
But if you choose one, I would choose 603-6.
I don’t know what the ocean is like there, but anchoring the boat is not the way to do jigging. What you should get at least is sea-anchor. You want to move with the current. You don’t want to be moved by the wind.
Still, it should be tough to stay vertical. You will be under a lot of water resistance, and that is why I recommend 603-6.
If you want to explore shallower waters like 40m to 70m, it should be easier to stay vertical. And in that case, 603-4 will do. You would still need 150g to 300g jig weights.
Good luck!